Lihue Safeway

4454 Nuhou St. Lihue, Hawaii 96766
Available 24 hours a day, anytime the Safeway is open!
Located inside the Lihue Safeway, the self-service Hawaii DMV Now kiosk is a fast, easy way to renew vehicle registrations and license plate emblems and print them on the spot!
Simply scan your registration renewal notice or type in your license plate number, pay your fees via credit or debit card, and your registration form and license plate decal prints immediately.
Renew. Print. Go! Find another kiosk near me.
4454 Nuhou St. Lihue, Hawaii 96766
Available 24 hours a day, anytime the Safeway is open!
Located inside the Lihue Safeway, the self-service Hawaii DMV Now kiosk is a fast, easy way to renew vehicle registrations and license plate emblems and print them on the spot!
Simply scan your registration renewal notice or type in your license plate number, pay your fees via credit or debit card, and your registration form and license plate decal prints immediately.
Renew. Print. Go! Find another kiosk near me.